
About GSForge

GSForge helps manage and compare gene (feature) selection methods for RNA-Seq data. It provides a framework of tools that assist in the collection, management and comparisson of feature selection results.

Why use GeneSelector?

You should consider using GeneSelector when:

  • You have more than one feature selection method to use.
  • You have more than one normalization to explore.
  • You have more than one set of annotation or label files.
  • You have a feature selection method that is non-deterministic.

And you should seriously consider using GeneSelector if you find yourself in more than one of the above categories.

GSForge and GEMmaker in an Experimental Design Cycle

About the Ficklin Lab

The Ficklin Lab in the Dept. of Horticulture at Washington State University is a computational dry lab dedicated to the creation of software tools, computational approaches and systems-level models that address basic and applied hypothesis at the molecular-level of agricultural systems.

Ficklin Laboratory

Right click to download this notebook from GitHub.