User Guide¶
Getting Started¶
Creating and working with an AnnotatedGEM¶
AnnotatedGEM from pandas How to load your count and label .csv or .txt files into an xarray.Dataset using GSForge, and save them as a single netcdf (.nc) file for future use.
GEM Normalization How to run and save different normalizations to the same AnnotatedGEM object.
Selecting Genes & Creating a GeneSet¶
Selecting Genes with Boruta How to select genes based on a sample label using random forests via the Boruta algorithm.
Creating a GeneSetCollection and Analyzing Results¶
GeneSet Analysis How to run a basic gene (feature) selection using random forests and the Boruta all-relevant feature selection algorithm.
Other Guides¶
Plotting Guide Plotting examples by plot type.
Workflow Guide Using nextflow to run many different boruta analyses.
R-Integration Guide Integrating results from R packages into GeneSet objects.